Monday, November 12, 2012

Warbiker boss part 5

Hey I managed to squeeze in some modeling time and a post before the beginning of my Turkey day prep.

Here's the current progress:

I wanted a different Power Klaw, bigger and more brutal:
 Big Dakka guns from the tutorial:
I made a cast from a bike wheel for a more Speed Freeky shoulder pad:
A 1/35th scale oil drum:
 I needed a huge biker head, so I started some putty work on the stock AoBR bonce.  I was going to try for a cloth skullcap but I ended going with a tanker style cap instead.  The extra bulk of the cap compliments the big head better, and it will tie in with some of the tanks I have planned later.

Not done with the sculpting, but a good start I think!


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Holiday Hiatus

I'm not dead, nor is the blog.  With the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday and a family trip planned "real life" has taken priority.  I'll update when I can but the schedule is catiwompus.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Big Shoota Tutorial

So I needed some Dakkagunz for my Warbiker Boss, and the normal ones that come with the bikes are too small, so I scratch built a pair.  I took some pictures along the way.  Rather than go insuper detail about sizes and methods I figured I'd summarize.  I use either Evergreen or Plastruct Styrene.  I have various sizes of sheet, strip and tubes.  If you want to start I'd collect a wide variety, you'll spend around $40.  Evergreen tube is sized to slide together if you get adjacent diameters.  I use 1mm thick sheet stock in most of my projects.  It works well for all kinds of applications.  There are lots of articles on the web with details of what ranges to use, if I get enough feedback I'll do an article here.

On to the guns.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Warbiker Boss part 4

Quick hit, crazy busy with "real life" but manged to ge this far: